Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

Guess what today is? Transformation Tuesday!!! I didn't know if I had any before pictures that were full body pictures, but then I found one from April 2012 and didn't realize how much bigger I was. I used pic stitch to put my "Before and After" picture on Instagram. The after picture was taken on April 7, 2013.
Before and After
April 2012 ---> April 2013

DO NOT GIVE UP! Even if you have one bad day, don't let that ruin the progress you have made. This took me a year to get where I am. Not because it was easy, but because I never gave up. It's ok to cheat every NOW and THEN. Start small by changing your eating habits or walking a mile every day so it's easier to stay on track. Whatever it takes to get healthy and happy, DO IT. Pinterest and motivational blogs helped me get inspired enough to where fitness became my new love rather than partying and eating really unhealthy choices. It's ok to love food, but find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods. I have found a new love for not only fitness but cooking as well. I make all of my meals to make sure I know what I am putting in my body. If you're going out to eat, plan ahead so you can make wise choices. Sorry for rambling, but I remember the picture on the left and how I was just starting my journey. I can't believe how far I've come and how much happier I am. Just remember tomorrow is a new day to start getting healthy. Don't wait to start :)



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