About Me

My name is Chelsea Nicole Chabreck and I am 24 years old. I am a native of Lacombe, Louisiana (a small town about 45 minutes from New Orleans), and I graduated from LSU in 2011 with a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. I love my family and my wonderful boyfriend, Keith, who mean the world to me. I am a fitness and food junkie - the food part is no surprise being a Southern Louisiana girl (we really do have the best food lol). I danced up until high school and miss it everyday, but I make up for it by going to Zumba 3-4 times a week. I love finding new recipes and experimenting with them. I'm also a Pinterest junkie because it has made my healthy lifestyle possible and I can say that it has helped me get where I am today!

I wanted to dedicate this blog to everyone who wants to make a change in their life. Last year in 2012, I made a New Years Resolution that I wanted to stick to unlike past years where I gave up easily. I got back in the gym and worked my butt off (literally!); however, my eating habits needed to be tweaked to incorporate my new fitness training. In 3-4 months, I lost 25 pounds by eating healthy the majority of the time. I allowed myself one cheat meal a week and that allowed the weight to come off. My weight is something I have struggled with my entire life and has been a constant issue in my life - I've had a lot of losing weight then putting it back on phases. However, I have kept off the 25 pounds but still want to lose 20 more. I know that I will never go back to what I was before because I have found a way to have great food without going overboard. I think about everything I put in my body because it is not a wastebasket! Our bodies are all we have and we must treat them kindly. If you are just starting your weight loss journey, you are not alone nor will you ever be. Never give up and remember that tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up just because you had one bad day. YOU GOT THIS!

Get it, Gwen!!!

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